Wait a moment! Are there multiple prime meridians? Isn't the prime meridian at 0°s?
Indeed, you are correct. There are several prime meridians, and the concept of the prime meridian starting at 0 °s was introduced by the British Royal Lab.
However, various countries refused to accept this and opted for their own prime meridians, particularly those with ancient civilizations.
Ancient India, known for its advanced science and technology, adopted 79 °s east as its prime meridian. This alignment is mentioned in texts like the Surya Siddhantika, Pancha Siddhantika, and Siddhanta Shiromani. It was based on the alignment of Sumeru (Mount Meru) towards the North Pole star. This meridian passes through Ujjaini, Kurukshetra, and other places and is also referred to as Madhya Rekha.

The Madhya Rekha holds significance because ancient civilizations placed circumpolar constellations around the North Pole star in the northern sky. These constellations appeared to never set, revolving around the pole star. This notion supported the concept of heaven or god for ancient people, as they believed these constellations controlled the movement of all other stars and planets.

In Indian civilization, these circumpolar constellations are referred to as the Shishumara planetary system, with other stars fixed on different sides of it.
So, why do the seven Shiva temples lie on the Madhya Rekha?
These temples align with the Kundalini Chakra, aiding yogis and individuals seeking to concentrate and tame their minds. Consequently, the seven temples form a straight line.
Each of these temples represents the expression of gender in the five elements of nature, known as the "Pancha Tattva". These elements include earth, water, fire, air, and space. Accordingly, these temples house five Shiva Lingas based on the five elements.
For instance, the Thiruvnanakwal Temple represents water, Thiruvannamalai represents fire, Kalahasti represents air, Kanchipuram represents earth, and Chidambaram represents space or the sky. These temples symbolise the harmonious interaction of Vastu (architecture), Vigyan (science), and Veda (ancient knowledge). They are also geographically aligned with each other based on Yoga Science, suggesting a scientific impact on the human body.

In conclusion, the seven temples on the Madhya Rekha hold sacred alignments with the Kundalini Chakra, assisting both yogis and individuals seeking mental concentration. These temples represent the five elements of nature and their gender expression, and their placement reflects the intertwining of Vastu, Vigyan, and Veda. They hold a unique geographical significance and are believed to have an influence on the human body.
What is more surprising now is that the five Lingas, representing the five elements of the universe, were installed centuries ago in a similar line. Indeed, we should be proud of our ancestors ‘knowledge and intelligence they had that advanced science and technology that even modern science has perhaps yet to achieve. It is believed that it is not only the five temples but also many more temples in this line that lie in the straight line from Kedarnath to Rameswaram. This line is also called the "SHIVA SHAKTI AKSH Rekha".

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